Retroparty Vienna Part I

Crayons, Strawberry Schnaps, Beer, and Pencil on A4 Sticker

On Saturdays, a time gate opens up in The Loft, Vienna, right back to the 90ties and 2000s, and all the time travellers put up their Chronotrons and Timerippers, and dwell into the underground for drinks, music and a weirdly comfortable moment in which everything pretends to be okay with the world. Ah retro nostalgia, see you there!
Hosted by: The Loft Vienna, Retroparties Vienna

Surf Surf

Surfer Joe Concert, Cafe Carina Vienna, 2024
Crayons, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, and Pencil on A4 Sticker

Finishing up with some more concert artworks on stickers from 2024. Here with @lorenzosurferjoe and band from November together with @balu_und_die_surfgrammeln. It was a very hip-shaky and head-twisty evening in @cafe.carina, Vienna! Surf on!


Rose Paddles, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Crayons and Pencil on A4 Sticker,
Philosoph Bar Vienna 2024

Calisthenics (American English) or callisthenics (British English) (/ˌkælɪsˈθɛnɪks/) is a form of strength training that utilizes an individual's body weight as resistance to perform multi-joint, compound movements with little or no equipment. - Wikipedia

The Cosmic Dead

Viper Room Vienna, Dragged Into Bliss Festival 2024
Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Lemon juice, Dirt mixed with Beer, and Pencil on A4 Sticker Sheet

We were diving deep into the cosmic deludge of riffs from outer space to speed up a rapid combustion into the particles of the primordial soup. Stars were dancing, raw existence formed spontanously. It's all in the sound.


Live Drawing | Pencil, Crayons, and Red Wine on Cardboard
Technoparty Kramladen Wien , Vienna 2024

As the moon lingers on, photons start to drip into a liquid state with bodies moving between laser beams and bass lines. Techno, baby.

People's Pride Party

Live Drawing | Pencil, Crayons, Footprints, Red Wine and Beer on Cardboard
ZWIDEMU, Vienna 2024

Between the Natural History Museum and the Art History Museum in Vienna, there is a strange liminal space called ZWIDEMU, swallowing all solitude on distinct days, when the stars are right or pride is present.

KUKU Street Party

Live Drawing | Tabasco, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Citric Acid, and Pencil on Cardboard | 1060 Vienna |

Like a cuckoo on rapid growth hormones, I found a nest to hatch and stay. But without the pushing outs. It was a big nest. Full of feathers, food, and fun. Until the afternoon became night and the night morning hours. Songbirds, baby.

Low Life Rich Kids

Live Drawing | Pencil, Crayons, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Water Colors and Beer on Cardboard | Concert @ Rote Bar, Volkstheater, Vienna 2024

First there was fear, but then it resolved itself into everyone admitting and having a drink together on a balcony with ashtrays flooding the floor.

Faintest Idea

Live Drawing on Concert at The Loft

Pencil, Crayons, Red Wine and Sweat on Cardboard, Vienna 2024

My skin became a salty cloud. Drip drip splash. Holding the pencil like your life depends on it. I didn’t know sweat can be such a slippery affair.

Rainbow Arcology | QYVIE Regenbogenbogen Party

Aperol, White Wine, Cigarette Ash, Berliner Luft, Crayons, Acrylic Paint and Pencil on Cardboard, Roter Bogen, Vienna 2024

And as the night fell into colors, heart and mind dripped off into a glittering form of collective existence under the red glow of the arc.

Bum Shelter II

Live Concerts Arena Wien & 1BM, Vienna 2023/24

Beer, Schnaps, Cigarette Ash, Random Drinks, Dirt, Crayons, and Pencil on Cardboard,

Snakes Don’t Belong In Alaska

Live Concert, Kramladen Vienna, 2024

Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Spit, Another Red Unknown Drink, Pencil, Crayons, and Acrylic Paint on Cardboard

And after the psychedelic shamans from Newcastle reached out into the universe in our hearts and gave the cosmic rift inside a slight push, there was still something telling that not only snakes don’t belong somewhere. But for that moment, we all belonged there.

A Rebellion Brewing

Café Carina Wien, Heartbreak Rebellion Concert

Pencil, Red Wine, Beer, Crayons, Cigarette Ash and Acrylic Paint on Cardboard, Vienna 2024

Timedrifters | A night out in Anno

And as we tequilaed gravity, space got squeezed like moons of Jupiter

Red Wine, Tequila, Orange Slice, Coffee, Cigarette Ash, Crayons and Pencil on Cardboard, A4, Cafe Anno, Vienna 2024

The Card Players

Crayons, Red Wine, Beer, Acrylic Paint on Cardboard,
Café Anno, Vienna 2023

The Leftovers

Concert Arena Wien, 2023
Red Wine, Dirty Snow, Beer, Cinnamon Schnaps, Rose Paddles, Cigarette Ash, Crayons and Pencil on Cardboard,
Arena, Vienna, 2023

Texta meets Balkanroute

Concert in Cafe Carina, 2023
Pencil, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Beer, Other Random Drinks, Crayons on Cardboard,
Format: A4, Café Carina, Vienna, 2023

Where have thou been?

Unknown location, no memory. Probably Vienna. Definitely 2023.
Red wine, Crayons, Rose paddles, Beer, Averna, Acrylic paint and Pencil on Cardboard,


Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Leftovers and Pencil on Cardboard,
Camera Club, Vienna 2023,
Austronaughty Party

Gardenparty | Eden Upstairs

Pencil, Red Wine, White Wine, Leftovers, and Cigarette Ash on Cardboard,
Format: A4, Vienna 2023

U (Popfest 2023)

Whiskey, Beer, Crayon, Cigarette Ash, Acryl and Pencil on Cardboard,
Format A4, Club U Karlsplatz Vienna, Popfest 2023

Marea Alta

Live Stage Projection on Art | Pencil, Red Wine, Drinks and …
Vienna 1060, 2023

“billion to look this”. Perfect moment for taking the shot. Who needs grammar when cool.

Bum Shelter

Vienna Furious Sludge/Doom Metal | Hardcore For The Losers show, April 22, 2023

Hot Sauce, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash and Pencil on Cardboard,
Format: A4, Venster 99, Vienna, 2023

28th Vienna Refugee Ball | Dancefloor Crowds

Pencil, Cocktails, various Make-Up, Cigarette Ash, Street Food Sauce and Acryl on Cardboard;
Format: A4 : #arkadenhof Rathaus Wien, Vienna 2023

The Vienna Refugee Ball takes please in the Town Hall of Vienna once a year. All the proceeds of the entire Refugee Ball benefit the projects of @integrationshaus_wien : from residential provision to childcare, from language courses to independent legal advice and more.

Retroparty Vienna Part I

Crayons, Strawberry Schnaps, Beer, and Pencil on A4 Sticker

On Saturdays, a time gate opens up in The Loft, Vienna, right back to the 90ties and 2000s, and all the time travellers put up their Chronotrons and Timerippers, and dwell into the underground for drinks, music and a weirdly comfortable moment in which everything pretends to be okay with the world. Ah retro nostalgia, see you there!
Hosted by: The Loft Vienna, Retroparties Vienna

Surf Surf

Surfer Joe Concert, Cafe Carina Vienna, 2024
Crayons, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, and Pencil on A4 Sticker

Finishing up with some more concert artworks on stickers from 2024. Here with @lorenzosurferjoe and band from November together with @balu_und_die_surfgrammeln. It was a very hip-shaky and head-twisty evening in @cafe.carina, Vienna! Surf on!


Rose Paddles, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Crayons and Pencil on A4 Sticker,
Philosoph Bar Vienna 2024

Calisthenics (American English) or callisthenics (British English) (/ˌkælɪsˈθɛnɪks/) is a form of strength training that utilizes an individual's body weight as resistance to perform multi-joint, compound movements with little or no equipment. - Wikipedia

The Cosmic Dead

Viper Room Vienna, Dragged Into Bliss Festival 2024
Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Lemon juice, Dirt mixed with Beer, and Pencil on A4 Sticker Sheet

We were diving deep into the cosmic deludge of riffs from outer space to speed up a rapid combustion into the particles of the primordial soup. Stars were dancing, raw existence formed spontanously. It's all in the sound.


Live Drawing | Pencil, Crayons, and Red Wine on Cardboard
Technoparty Kramladen Wien , Vienna 2024

As the moon lingers on, photons start to drip into a liquid state with bodies moving between laser beams and bass lines. Techno, baby.

People's Pride Party

Live Drawing | Pencil, Crayons, Footprints, Red Wine and Beer on Cardboard
ZWIDEMU, Vienna 2024

Between the Natural History Museum and the Art History Museum in Vienna, there is a strange liminal space called ZWIDEMU, swallowing all solitude on distinct days, when the stars are right or pride is present.

KUKU Street Party

Live Drawing | Tabasco, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Citric Acid, and Pencil on Cardboard | 1060 Vienna |

Like a cuckoo on rapid growth hormones, I found a nest to hatch and stay. But without the pushing outs. It was a big nest. Full of feathers, food, and fun. Until the afternoon became night and the night morning hours. Songbirds, baby.

Low Life Rich Kids

Live Drawing | Pencil, Crayons, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Water Colors and Beer on Cardboard | Concert @ Rote Bar, Volkstheater, Vienna 2024

First there was fear, but then it resolved itself into everyone admitting and having a drink together on a balcony with ashtrays flooding the floor.

Faintest Idea

Live Drawing on Concert at The Loft

Pencil, Crayons, Red Wine and Sweat on Cardboard, Vienna 2024

My skin became a salty cloud. Drip drip splash. Holding the pencil like your life depends on it. I didn’t know sweat can be such a slippery affair.

Rainbow Arcology | QYVIE Regenbogenbogen Party

Aperol, White Wine, Cigarette Ash, Berliner Luft, Crayons, Acrylic Paint and Pencil on Cardboard, Roter Bogen, Vienna 2024

And as the night fell into colors, heart and mind dripped off into a glittering form of collective existence under the red glow of the arc.

Bum Shelter II

Live Concerts Arena Wien & 1BM, Vienna 2023/24

Beer, Schnaps, Cigarette Ash, Random Drinks, Dirt, Crayons, and Pencil on Cardboard,

Snakes Don’t Belong In Alaska

Live Concert, Kramladen Vienna, 2024

Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Spit, Another Red Unknown Drink, Pencil, Crayons, and Acrylic Paint on Cardboard

And after the psychedelic shamans from Newcastle reached out into the universe in our hearts and gave the cosmic rift inside a slight push, there was still something telling that not only snakes don’t belong somewhere. But for that moment, we all belonged there.

A Rebellion Brewing

Café Carina Wien, Heartbreak Rebellion Concert

Pencil, Red Wine, Beer, Crayons, Cigarette Ash and Acrylic Paint on Cardboard, Vienna 2024

Timedrifters | A night out in Anno

And as we tequilaed gravity, space got squeezed like moons of Jupiter

Red Wine, Tequila, Orange Slice, Coffee, Cigarette Ash, Crayons and Pencil on Cardboard, A4, Cafe Anno, Vienna 2024

The Card Players

Crayons, Red Wine, Beer, Acrylic Paint on Cardboard,
Café Anno, Vienna 2023

The Leftovers

Concert Arena Wien, 2023
Red Wine, Dirty Snow, Beer, Cinnamon Schnaps, Rose Paddles, Cigarette Ash, Crayons and Pencil on Cardboard,
Arena, Vienna, 2023

Texta meets Balkanroute

Concert in Cafe Carina, 2023
Pencil, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Beer, Other Random Drinks, Crayons on Cardboard,
Format: A4, Café Carina, Vienna, 2023

Where have thou been?

Unknown location, no memory. Probably Vienna. Definitely 2023.
Red wine, Crayons, Rose paddles, Beer, Averna, Acrylic paint and Pencil on Cardboard,


Red Wine, Cigarette Ash, Leftovers and Pencil on Cardboard,
Camera Club, Vienna 2023,
Austronaughty Party

Gardenparty | Eden Upstairs

Pencil, Red Wine, White Wine, Leftovers, and Cigarette Ash on Cardboard,
Format: A4, Vienna 2023

U (Popfest 2023)

Whiskey, Beer, Crayon, Cigarette Ash, Acryl and Pencil on Cardboard,
Format A4, Club U Karlsplatz Vienna, Popfest 2023

Marea Alta

Live Stage Projection on Art | Pencil, Red Wine, Drinks and …
Vienna 1060, 2023

“billion to look this”. Perfect moment for taking the shot. Who needs grammar when cool.

Bum Shelter

Vienna Furious Sludge/Doom Metal | Hardcore For The Losers show, April 22, 2023

Hot Sauce, Red Wine, Cigarette Ash and Pencil on Cardboard,
Format: A4, Venster 99, Vienna, 2023

28th Vienna Refugee Ball | Dancefloor Crowds

Pencil, Cocktails, various Make-Up, Cigarette Ash, Street Food Sauce and Acryl on Cardboard;
Format: A4 : #arkadenhof Rathaus Wien, Vienna 2023

The Vienna Refugee Ball takes please in the Town Hall of Vienna once a year. All the proceeds of the entire Refugee Ball benefit the projects of @integrationshaus_wien : from residential provision to childcare, from language courses to independent legal advice and more.